The Power of Blessing - Part FIVE

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Continuing our focus on the 7 Stages of Blessing, we have reached the 4th stage, namely Early Childhood.

At Conception (1) the question is: "Am I welcome in this world?"

During Pregnancy (2) the question to be answered is: "Is there a safe place for me in the world?" 

At Birth (3) the question is: "Will my needs be met in this world?"

Now at stage 4, Early Childhood the question to be answered is: "Who Can I Trust in this world?" 

Jesus told the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them," Mark 10:13-16. A look, a touch and a meaningful word from Jesus brought so much to these young children. Their lives were affirmed by their very Creator. Jesus' disciples wanted the kids out of the way. In response, Jesus was "indignant" (to be angry over injustice) and said, "Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them." A child's honour is not determined by their age or abilities and they need to be affirmed of this.  Do children need to be taught how to internalize right and wrong which leads to good behaviour? A thousand times yes.  "For pre-school to pre-teen children, being corrected without being affirmed produces a feeling of rejection; it curses rather than blesses," says Terry Bone author of "The Power of Blessing."   (more to be said about this soon)


A Blessing on a Young Child may look like this:

* We bless your early childhood, that you may learn to trust everyone who has godly authority in your life.

* We bless your play times, that you may learn and grow to your full potential. May you be kept safe at all times.

* We bless your mental development, that nothing would hinder the growth of your mind to its full potential.

* We bless the development of your will, that you may be shaped in wisdom and love by those who lead in your life. May you learn to make wise choices in every life decision.

* We bless your spiritual journey, that you would understand and experience what it means to walk with God at a young age.

* We bless your family relationships, that you would discover and enjoy a sense of belonging in a family that loves you. May you be kept safe from accidental emotional injury and improper discipline.

* We bless your school experiences. May school be a safe place for you to learn and to grow. May school leaders and teachers recognize and encourage your gifts and talents.

* We bless your friendships. May you be guided to make wise choices in every relationship outside your family circle.
